Did Jesus go to India?

Starting his journey from Jerusalem and passing through Nasibus and Iran, Jesus is shown to have reached Afghanistan where he met the Jews who had settled there after their escape from the bonds of Nebuchadnezzar. From Afghanistan Jesus went to Kashmir where some Israelite tribes had also settled. He made this place his home and here he died and lies buried in Srinagar, Kashmir.

In this book, Hazrat Ahmad has solved another difficult problem which has for long confounded many a western writer, namely the problem of the resemblance between Christian and Buddhistic teachings and also between the life of Jesus and that of Buddha, as recorded in their respective Scriptures. Some of these writers hold that Buddhistic teachings must somehow have reached Palestine and were incorporated by Jesus in his own sermons. But there is absolutely no historical evidence to support this theory. A Russian traveler named Nicolas Notovitch stayed for quite some time with Lamas in Tibet and had their religious chronicles translated for him. He is of the opinion that Jesus must have been to Tibet before the Crucifixion and gone back to Palestine after having imbibed Buddhistic teachings.

Rejecting both these views, Hazrat Ahmad proves that Jesus came to India only after the Crucifixion and not before, and that it was not he who borrowed Buddha's teachings but the Buddhists who seem to have reproduced the Gospels in their books. Jesus also visited Tibet during his travels in India in search of the lost tribes of Israel. He preached his message to Buddhist monks, some of whom were originally Jews. They were deeply impressed by Jesus' teachings and accepted him as the manifestation of the Buddha, the Promised Teacher. With faith in him as their Master, they incorporated his teachings into the teachings of the Buddha himself...

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